Aug 4 2014

Entrepreneurs, part III

Miami, FL, August 4th, 2014

* Assets.
“John our client” has done the first step to open up the doors of his business. His new product is already set to get into production. Now he needs to acquire some row material or inventory to full fit the next step, which it is production. We have to keep in mind how important in to differentiate between expenses and assets. An asset is the purchase of a resource either tangible or intangible that after certain process, will get ready for sell to its customers; in the other hand an expense is something that you buy with purpose of keep running the business, for example office supplies and similar. Our entrepreneur needs $200.00 of row material to do the first production batch, unfortunately he is new into this business, therefore he hasn't established any credit yet to buy the items needed; then he has no choice but to use his own funds. How do we account for this transaction? Well simple, just look and the following entry:



* Fernando Angel
